Nature bestows, Be.Mi.Va. respects.
The Challenge of sustainable fashion

Filati Be.Mi.Va. has taken up the challenge of sustainability

Respectful of forest
Protective for the environment
Garantor towards the consumer
Protective for the environment
Garantor towards the consumer
Rispettosa delle foreste
Protettiva per l’ambiente
Garante verso il consumatore
Protettiva per l’ambiente
Garante verso il consumatore

Animal welfare
Ethical and social sustainability
Traceability of the product
Ethical and social sustainability
Traceability of the product
Benessere degli animali
Sostenibilità etica e sociale
Tracciabilità del prodotto
Sostenibilità etica e sociale
Tracciabilità del prodotto

Components certified by
Selected suppliers
Components certified by
Selected suppliers
Presenza di componenti
Ecosostenibili certificati
Da fornitori selezionati
Ecosostenibili certificati
Da fornitori selezionati

Mechanical regeneration
Total recovery and clean
Highly ecological
Total recovery and clean
Highly ecological
Rigenerazione meccanica
Recupero totale e pulito
Altamente ecologico
Recupero totale e pulito
Altamente ecologico

100% circular economy linter recovery
Saving water resources
Natural and renewable resources
Saving water resources
Natural and renewable resources
100 recupero linters da economia circolare
Risparmio risorse idriche
Risorsa naturale e rinnovabile
Risparmio risorse idriche
Risorsa naturale e rinnovabile

Mix circular economy linters recovery
Saving water resources
Natural and renewable resources
Saving water resources
Natural and renewable resources
Mix recupero linters da economia circolare
Rismarmio risorse idriche
Risorsa naturale e rinnovabile
Rismarmio risorse idriche
Risorsa naturale e rinnovabile
- We began long ago by implementing a certified quality system to monitor its production chain, selecting its suppliers and cooperators.
- We have always employed wet processes that use treated industrial water from recycling plants.
- We invest in renewable energy.
- We select the raw materials with the lowest environmental impact and we develop the collection in the perspective of sustainable design.
- We adopt the 4sustainability® Chemical Management Protocol, implementing with a structured methodology the MRSL ZDHC, monitoring the supply chain and periodically measuring the application level in a transparent way.
- We have signed the Detox commitment with the C.I.D. consortium for the elimination of the hazardous substances listed in the Detox protocol.
This is the sensitivity demonstrated by Filati Be.Mi.Va. toward respect for environmental values: its own concrete contribution to a great mosaic for the health of the planet and its inhabitants.

We have a history
Abbiamo una storia

We produce safely
Produciamo in sicurezza

We eliminate toxic
and harmful chemicals
and harmful chemicals
Eliminiamo le sostanze
chimiche tossiche e nocive
chimiche tossiche e nocive

We give value to people
Diamo valore alle persone

We collaborate for traceability and
transparency in the supply chain
transparency in the supply chain
Collaboriamo per la tracciabilità
e la trasparenza della filiera
e la trasparenza della filiera

We consume responsability
Consumiamo in modo responsabile